Baronial Hoods

A few months ago I made hoods for friends that were invested as Baron and Baroness of their local SCA group.  Hoods are one of my favorite go-to accessories to make an outfit complete -- and warm, too!

I made 2 black linen hoods, one with a long liripipe, one without.  The baronial arms are a felt applique livery badge.

The pattern I use for all my hoods originally came from Cynthia Virtue's website, How to be a Hoodlum.  I have used this basic pattern over the years, altering it as needed for size and style. Below is how I arranged the pattern pieces for the hood without a liripipe.  

This is how the triangular gore fits with the main hood piece.  I always end up making the gore extra long, but I'd rather trim it than cut it too short. 

I appliqued the Baronial arms to a round felt base by couching around the pieces with matching thread.  I also used couching to secure the badge to the hood.

Some of my earlier hoods had the gore set too far forward, but I adjusted where I set them and am pleased with the results - directly over the shoulders!