Waxed Linen Jar Covers

I've had some little ceramic jars for ages, but never put them to good use since they don't have covers. Since one of my goals this year is to  improve some of the details of my reenacting kit,  making covers for these jars is a perfect place to start. 

Take your jars and containers from Modern to Medieval in less than an hour:

Just a few materials and you can make these for your jars:

  • Linen Fabric

  • Beeswax (pellets work well)

  • Disposable oven safe pan

  • Crafting paint brush - about an inch wide, it will forever be covered in beeswax so don't use a favorite

  • Bamboo skewer or small dowel to lift hot items

  • Access to an oven

1. Cut out some circles of linen a couple inches larger than the diameter of the jar you want to cover.

2. Place the linen in an oven proof pan that you don't mind being covered in beeswax forever and ever (I used a disposable aluminum pan lasagna pan).

3. Sprinkle some beeswax pellets over the linen.  Enough to cover the linen when it melts. It's not an exact science - you can always add more.

4. Place the pan in an oven set between 150 - 170° F (65 - 76° C).  I used the warm setting on my oven at 170° F. The melting point of beeswax is just under 150° F so you want it to be over that, but not too high.  Beeswax will start to discolor at 185°F and ignite at 400° F (thanks Google).  Safety first!

5. Keep an eye on the pan and when the beeswax is melted, quickly remove it from the oven and brush the wax to evenly distribute it across the fabric.

6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 until you like the coverage of the wax.

7. Remove the linen from the pan so it can dry.  I found that it was easiest to lift it from the pan right after I took it out of the oven. Waiting even a few seconds caused the wax to start to harden to the pan so act fast, but don't burn yourself! I used a bamboo skewer as a lifting tool.

8. After the linen has cooled, wrap it around your favorite container and admire your handiwork! You can make them any size or shape.  The warmth from your hands helps mold the fabric around the lid of the jar.

I decided the above process was much easier that the first method I tried which involved melting a pot of beeswax and dipping the linen in the pan to soak through. Let's just say, it was messy, the wax cooled much too quickly, and the linen was coated in too much wax (wasting precious beeswax resources). 
